Shawarma Tannour

Shawarma Tannour
Knowing that shawarma is a food that is required by many people, we pro- duced a type of sha- warma with a very distin- guished idea.

Shawarma Tanour
is unique from any other type of shawarma because we produced a custom made bread which is Tanour bread.
The decoration that we used was represented by funky posters. It is easily spotted out because of its bright color and known to be the “yellow restaurant”.

We came up with sauces that distinguishes us from any other shawarma restaurant such as Caesar, Mexican, our special handmade sauce and last but not least,
a variety of sauces.

We serve both chicken and meat shawarma

The platter is served in a very organized and creative way.

caskets to create a funky and strange atmosphere that drags cus- tomers to our restaurant.

Our marketing skills that we used played a huge roll in making this restau- rant reach to the majori- ty. Shawarma Tanour sandwich has become an international story for everyone to know. It is now known to be the most renowned and famous restaurant in Syria.